Current Courses - - - MORE COURSES COMING
Central Washington University
MATH 152 - Functions and Reasoning
MATH 153 - Precalculus A
MATH 154 - Precalculus B
MATH 172 - Calculus I
EFC 250 - Introduction to Education
FIN 174 - Personal Finance
University of Washington
ENGL 131 - Composition: Exposition
ENGL 111 - Composition: Literature
Span 103 - Spanish
Eastern Washington University
HIST 102 - World History to 1500
HIST 103 - World History from 1500
HIST 111 - American History to 1877
HIST 112 - American History Since 1877
CHST 202 - Chicano History
CHST 218 - Chicano History
POLS 100 - Introduction to U.S. Politics
INST 200 - Global Issues
Yakima Valley College
Microsoft User Specialist